
Qendra Kosovare për Studime të Sigurisë (QKSS) me mbështetje nga Zyra e Bashkimit Evropian në Kosovë/Përfaqësuesi Special i BE-së, kanë filluar implementimin e projektit “Rrëfimi i dy qyteteve”, Radikalizmi dhe Kundërnarrativi në Vushtrri dhe Mitrovicë. Objektivi kryesor i QKSS-s përmes këtij projekti është që të kontribuojë në luftën kundër radikalizimit dhe ekstremizmit fetar, i cili mund të çojë në dhunë.

The debate organized in Vushtri included participants such as the deputy mayor of Vushtrri, Dibran Përquku; the police station commander of Vushtrri, Muhamet Alidema; representatives from the Liaison Monitoring Team (LMT) within KFOR, academics; as well as representatives from the civil society and citizens from Vushtrri. The debate was focused on cooperation between all institutional, religious and citizenry segments in order to better understand the concept of radicalization and preventative mechanisms that can be used to counter extremism as soon as possible.

Representatives of the Islamic community of Kosovo highlighted that the extremism and violence have nothing to do with Islam and that Kosovo should continue working to raise awareness against extremism. Meanwhile, representatives from the Kosovo Police stated that in most instances of Kosovars being recruited to fight in Syria and Iraq has been a product of propaganda of various extremist networks.

Numerous ideas have been presented as counter narratives to religious extremism such as: implementation of religious subjects in school curricula and regular debates in schools with academics and representatives of civil society on this subject.